Bridges Out of Poverty Training




Bridges Out of Poverty


Bridges Out of Poverty

is a set of concepts helping businesses, churches, schools, social service organizations and individuals address poverty in a comprehensive way.

It provides ideas and concrete tools a community needs to reduce, alleviate and work with those in poverty. The training covers topics such as causes of poverty, "hidden rules" and "language" of economic classes, as well as resources needed to improve conditions for those in need.

Registration begins at 8:30 AM.  Trainings are 9 am - 3 PM.  Participants have lunch on their own from 12-1 PM.  

Training dates for 2024 will be announced soon.

Shonda Hollowell Burrus



Shonda Hollowell Burrus is the chief equity officer for Paducah Public Schools.  She oversees the development, implementation and evaluation of the district's equity team and staff diversity team.  Hollowell Burrus also assists the district and schools in resolving education and diversity issues affecting educators, students, parents and the community. 

Before serving in this role, Hollowell Burrus was assistant principal and dean of students at Paducah Tilghman High School.  She earned a Master of Arts degree in both education administration and educational counseling.

Photo courtesy Paducah Life Magazine and Photographer Thomas Steward

Lynsi Barnhill

Lynsi Barnhill has served on the United Way of Western Kentucky board since 2019. She works at Paducah Public Schools as the director of Food and Nutrition Services.  Lynsi says, “The impact of United Way’s critical services provide equitable, authentic care for our community.”

This community impact program is a partnership with 

Paducah Public Schools